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What can I get as a G-FORCE Ambassador?

G-FORCE is looking for a brand ambassador, and we welcome every G-FORCE e-bike owner to join us. You can find more e-bike enthusiasts like you, and share your riding story on this team.

Once picked, G-FORCE Brand Ambassador will gain:
1. Join gift: A random e-bike accessory.
2. Custom discount code for you and your friend to order one more e-bike.
3. A 5% commission for your referral.

G-FORCE Brand Ambassador responsibility

1. Once picked, we will post your information on our website. So the customers who want to try the e-bike can contact you.
If you are interested in joining us, please fill out the form below.

1. Once you were picked, we assume that you agree with us to post your information on our website.
2. For every order by your referral, we offer you a 5% commission. We
count and return this fee once a month.
3. G-FORCE reserves the final explanation right for this program.

Submit Your Request
